Doing Gliders for Exercise Funny Meme

I am a long-time pet owner experienced with a range of domesticated animals from dogs to horses, mice to snails.

Sugar gliders may be cute, but they should not be kept as pets—here's why.

Sugar gliders may be cute, but they should not be kept as pets—here's why.

Sugar Gliders as Pets

This article is for those of you who are considering getting a sugar glider or know someone who has one as a pet. The reality is that these animals are not pets and, unfortunately, are usually not treated well by people who own them. Keeping a sugar glider as a pet is a bad decision that will not end well, considering the specialized care they require.

What Is a Sugar Glider?

Sometimes called Suggie, SG, Glider, and SugarG, the sugar glider can bond well with humans and other gliders, but don't behave well as pets. Here is some basic info about this animal:

  • Sugar gliders are small marsupial animals native to Australia, Indonesia, and the surrounding areas.
  • They are nocturnal—they sleep during the day and become very active at night.
  • These animals are very sociable and cannot be kept alone.
  • They physically resemble a flying squirrel-type creature.
  • Sugar gliders live for 12–15 years on average.
  • While they may look cute and cuddly, they typically aren't.
  • They do not belong to the rodent family.
  • They require specialist care, a lot of space, and do not make good pets for beginners or children.

Learn more specifics about sugar gliders.

10 Reasons Why Sugar Gliders Make Bad Pets

  1. They require specialized care.
  2. Most people can't offer enough space.
  3. Vets find it hard to treat them.
  4. Many are farmed and bred from cruelty.
  5. There are legal issues with owning them.
  6. They are expensive to purchase and care for.
  7. They are prone to injury and disease if they are not properly cared for.
  8. They eat a specialized diet.
  9. You can't leave them with someone else.
  10. They are messy and smelly.
They may look cute, but sugar gliders are very difficult to take care of.

They may look cute, but sugar gliders are very difficult to take care of.

1. They Require Specialized Care

The care of a Suggie is much different than the care of a hamster, a rat, or even a dog. They require a lot more space and an enclosure that is 100% secure and locked.

  • Enclosure: People often build indoor aviary-type cages or use very large vivariums that are at least four feet high and twice as wide. The bigger, the better. Of course, the more gliders you have, the more space you need.
  • Food: They require nectar drinks, water, protein, fruit, vegetables, vitamins, supplements, pollen, etc. They are not native to the U.K. or the U.S., so some of these items are difficult to get a hold of and can be quite expensive.
  • They Need to Be Socialized: You cannot keep them alone. They must be kept in pairs or in small groups of the same sex to prevent breeding. They are highly social animals and to keep one alone is very cruel as it can lead to depression, emotional distress, physical illness, weight loss, and even a shortened lifespan.
  • Risks: Sugar gliders can and will likely bite you, especially in the early stages of ownership. Their teeth are very sharp and can cause a lot of harm, which means you should be very careful and be fully vaccinated before owning them. Some of these animals are imported and may carry diseases. There is always a risk of infection from bites.
  • They Like a Dark Environment: They are nocturnal and do not like to come out during the day. Sugar gliders enjoy being kept in a darker environment. Imagine those indoor habitats you see at the zoo where they keep SGs and flying squirrels. Suggies enjoy hiding away in daylight hours and sometimes may not be seen at all. They will sleep for most of the day and become very active during the night, which makes it harder for you to play with them. Waking them up during the day can confuse them and mess with their hormones.
  • They Need Special Vets: You can't take them to a regular vet as most vets are not trained in this type of exotic animal. A regular exotic animal is a hamster, a snake, a lizard, or a terrapin. Sugar gliders are something else entirely.
Sugar gliders require ample amounts of space in their cage.

Sugar gliders require ample amounts of space in their cage.

2. Most People Can't Offer Enough Space

It's a sad truth that most people cannot provide these curious little creatures with enough space. Sugar gliders are very active and very sociable creatures that enjoy climbing, running, jumping, and, of course, gliding. They are very much like squirrels and require lots of room.

How Much Space Is Needed?

A large rat or degu cage is not enough. Sugar gliders should be housed in their own habitat, preferably one that closely resembles an aviary with climbing apparatus. While they are not large creatures, they need the space to get enough exercise and to keep themselves healthy. Because they cannot be kept alone, the space should be multiplied per glider. Most households cannot offer this vast amount of space. You should have a cage that is at least 24 inches deep by 24 inches wide by 36 inches tall at a minimum.

Most vets will be unable to treat your sugar glider.

Most vets will be unable to treat your sugar glider.

3. Vets Find It Hard to Treat Them

Hamsters are classed as exotic due to their metabolism, small size, and difficulty of treatment, but suggies are even harder to take care of. It takes a very specially trained vet to deal with SGs.

It can be very difficult to diagnose and treat them correctly without causing them serious distress, harm, or even killing them. You couldn't easily take a Suggie to a regular vet that treats dogs, cats, or even guinea pigs, as these vets are often not trained or have been trained very little in these animals. Treatment is also very expensive. Animals don't respond in the same way to surgery, antibiotics, fluid draining, or skin ointment the same way we do, and it is extremely easy to overdose them, poison them, or cause a bad reaction.

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Suggies have not been kept as pets for enough years or on a common enough basis for us to do thorough research on suitable treatments for them. Mites, fleas, and skin problems are very common in these creatures, and people often find that regular small mammal ointments will not work or will cause negative reactions.


4. Many Are Farmed and Bred From Cruelty

Suggies have become more popular in the past couple of years, much like pygmy hedgehogs have. Due to the increase in demand and their relatively low population, their breeding is similar to the breeding of pedigree dogs.

Backyard breeders will overbreed and inbreed the animals and sell them for either very low or very high prices just to make some money. They don't give a thought or care to the animals at all. Unfortunately, there is little to no control over their breeding. Because they are exotic pets, it can be even harder for the law to control them.

Overbreeding animals can result in severe health problems and trauma to both the male and the female being bred. Along with inbreeding, it can produce sickly animals with behavioural problems, shortened lifespans, genetic disorders, mental instability, increased risks of diseases, dwarfism, dead babies, and infertility.

SGs should only be purchased from a licensed, professional breeder or adopted from a shelter. There aren't a lot of good breeders around, but if you really want to find one, you should look for the following:

  • A professional website
  • The availability to visit them
  • Professional photographs
  • A breeder who is willing to answer lots of questions
  • Multiple ways to contact the breeder
  • A breeder who is willing to teach you how to care for them and tell you what they need
  • A breeder who will vet you as much as you vet them

A dismissive breeder is someone who is willing to hand sugar gliders off to anyone and asks few or no questions. They will also seem to be mostly interested in money. You do not want to purchase from these breeders.

In some territories, it is illegal to own a sugar glider.

In some territories, it is illegal to own a sugar glider.

5. The Legality of Owning Sugar Gliders

In some countries, it is illegal or only borderline legal to purchase these animals as pets. They are often bred and treated cruelly by people who think that they are fashionable and who have little to no knowledge about them. Neglect, abuse, and cruelty are all punishable crimes. In the U.K. or the U.S., you will likely be banned from keeping animals and receive a hefty fine or a jail sentence. In other countries, the punishments can be much harsher.

Regulations on Importing Sugar Gliders

In most countries, it is illegal to import or export these creatures due to laws that protect against disease, animal importation, and risks to the environment and public health. SGs are no exception to these rules as they can carry harmful bacteria and negatively affect the local wildlife.

In the U.K. and the U.S., very few pet shops sell sugar gliders, and the law does not offer them protection from cruelty. This is why SGs are often sold in dodgy backyard sales by people who should be reported for cruelty but are not because there is a demand for sugar gliders. It is likely that the sugar glider you purchase is an illegal import riddled with disease. Owning, importing, or releasing an SG could lead to serious penalties.

For those living in the United States, each state has its own regulations regarding sugar gliders. It is illegal to own a sugar glider in California, Alaska, and Hawaii. States such as Georgia, New Mexico, and New York have special regulations that you should look into before trying to get a sugar glider. The remaining states do allow people to own sugar gliders, but they may require certain permits, so be sure to check what kind of regulations your state has.

Sugar gliders are very costly to purchase and to take care of.

Sugar gliders are very costly to purchase and to take care of.

6. They Are Expensive to Purchase and Care for

These animals can be very expensive to purchase and keep. A pair of gliders can cost anywhere from £400 to £1000 (that's $527 to $1317), not to mention the cost of care. You can research the cost of tanks, food, and toys, but as you can imagine, taking care of a sugar glider can be as expensive as caring for a horse.

Vet Bills Are Costly

Vet bills for these creatures are also horribly expensive because they have to see an exotic vet who will often have trouble treating them. They are also not included in insurance, so if they need surgery or specific treatment, you will be paying out-of-pocket. You can't get these animals "on the cheap." If they are sold at a very low price, it is likely that they are either inbred or illegally imported, or the seller is urgently trying to get rid of them because there is something wrong with them.

7. How Long Do Sugar Gliders Live?

With proper care, these creatures can easily live to be 15 years old. Yes, 15! Despite their longevity, these animals are prone to stress and other complications. Their bodies are fragile, and they do not have strong immune systems, so keeping a clean habitat, giving them a healthy and proper diet, giving them regular health checkups, and handling them properly are all very essential to maintaining their health.

Make sure you have the money and the time to give sugar gliders proper care for 15 years. If you plan to re-home or sell them later on, then you should not keep them in the first place. They are not to be purchased on impulse.

Sugar gliders require specialized nutrition.

Sugar gliders require specialized nutrition.

8. What Do Sugar Gliders Eat and Drink?

It is very hard to maintain their diets. As I mentioned above, it can cost a lot of money to keep them healthy, and they do require very specific foods. The number one problem vets report is health issues related to diet. Suggies are fragile and need to be monitored constantly for signs of health problems.

Many suffer malnutrition, weight problems, deficiencies, and poisonings. Many foods are also toxic to them, so you will need to thoroughly research the correct amount of food to give them, how to feed them correctly, and what they eat. This can be quite strenuous and complex.

Sugar gliders require:

  • Insects
  • Fruit and vegetables (mainly vegetables) with a calcium to phosphorus ratio of 2:1
  • A protein source
  • A nectar drink
  • A multivitamin
  • Acacia gum and bee pollen
It would be dangerous for you to leave you sugar glider with another person while you're on holiday.

It would be dangerous for you to leave you sugar glider with another person while you're on holiday.

9. You Won't Be Going on Holiday

Unlike a dog or even a rabbit, you can't leave sugar gliders with a neighbor or enlist a friend to care for them when you go away. Sometimes there are specialized professionals who will offer help while you are gone, but they are rare. It is also never a good idea to leave animals like this with someone that doesn't know them well enough.

Reasons Why They Can't Be Watched by Someone Else:

  • They cannot be watched by people with no experience.
  • They require a lot of attention.
  • Health problems can be hard to spot to the untrained eye.
  • People don't feed them the correct amounts of food.
  • Most people don't want to take the time to prepare specialized meals for someone else's pets while they are off having fun in the sun.
Sugar gliders can get really messy really fast, so be careful when handling them.

Sugar gliders can get really messy really fast, so be careful when handling them.

10. They Will Relieve Themselves on You

This is a big issue for many people. Suggies tend to poop and urinate on just about everything. They are messy, and they can be very smelly. Don't forget, they also have scent glands that they can and will rub on you. I have also seen cages where they have splattered their poo everywhere.

They are definitely not on the list of hygienic pets and, additionally, they can transmit disease, especially Salmonella.

Alternatives to Sugar Gliders

Here are some alternative pets you can own that will be easier to deal with than a sugar glider. Some of these pets are on the more exotic side of things, but they require far less specialized care. Again, remember that each country has different laws regarding owning exotic animals. The U.S., in particular, has varying laws from state to state, so you will need to do some research to see if owning an exotic is legal.

Flying Squirrel

The southern flying squirrel, which is native to the Southern U.S., looks similar to a sugar glider, but they are far easier to manage. A flying squirrel can be kept in a smaller cage, and you can let it out of its cage to climb on you and hide in your pockets. These little critters need plenty of socializing, and they are primarily nocturnal.


For some having a rabbit would qualify as an exotic pet and these little creatures are certainly adorable and easy to love. Keep in mind they are not exactly low-maintenance, and they will require lots of care during their long lifespans. Make sure you are ready to have a rabbit as a pet and that you have the proper cage.


These tiny rodents are adorable, though because of their size, you have to be careful when handling them. They will also need a big cage to live in, and you will have to buy more than one since they need to socialize with each other.


Known for their energetic and playful nature, ferrets are fun pets to own, and they are becoming more widespread. Ferrets are small and intelligent, so they are easy to train and take out in public. They do require quite a bit of exercise, so you will have to take them out of their cage every day.

Mara (or Cavy)

These large rodents can live indoors or outdoors, though they tend to be pretty messy inside, so keep that in mind. The Patagonian Cavy is the larger species, while the Chacoan Cavy is much smaller and easier to handle indoors.


An exotic tropical mammal closely related to a raccoon, a kinkajou can be a fun pet but keep in mind they will need a large, tall cage to live in. Kinkajous are used to living in a tropical rainforest, so they will require a cage that will allow them to climb around on various objects.

Do Your Research Before Getting a Pet Sugar Glider

If you still want a pet glider, make sure you do your research and get one from a reputable breeder that will give you a good quality animal. There is no such thing as too much research or preparation. It's not worth rushing the process and buying on impulse because shelters are filled with sugar gliders that need homes, and they are only re-homed to people who can offer them what they need.

In truth, these animals are not pets and should not be kept as pets. However, there is little we can do to stop people from keeping them. The only thing we can do is advocate against unethical breeding and educate people about why they should not be purchased and kept as pets.

This article is accurate and true to the best of the author's knowledge. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately.

© 2015 ThePetMaster

Lizbeth on September 02, 2020:

Do u still have available suger gliders

Joey Dysart on June 12, 2020:

You fool... You did little to no research.... Most of your "accurate points" are completely false.... How did you even get away with posting this shit? Want some real info, message me and I'll set you straight, i'll provide sources and everything and MAYBE we can correct your terrible misinformation.

Megan Jacobs on May 29, 2020:

I love sugar gliders! I even want a pet!❤❤

Mike on May 15, 2020:

I have a pet sugar glider. Got him for 50 bucks. One of the most social animals I've owned. Also, by far one of the cleanest and odorless animals I've owned. Super cheap and easy to take care of, super simple diet (apples, almonds, things I have around the house, etc). Let him freely roam the house, when I wake up early in the morning for an hour or two, he'll run up to me when he sees me walking around, then I'll put him back in his cage.

This article is not very accurate, at all.

yoda on May 13, 2020:

my friend just recently had one of his sugar gliders die after only 2 years. MO MO was the more social suggie of the two males he purchased as babies and isnonlyb2 years old. My friend is very broken up about losing MO MO. He died yesterday. He doesn't know how it happened but blames himself. He thinks when he let them both out to run around in his house that Mo Mo,the more active curious and sociable one, may have gotten chemical residue on him from cleaning products used more due to this Damn Panademic. Does anyone have any suggestions about how to keep sugar gliders safe when they are out of their cages. He has a sugar glider left but he says he is not sociable and wont come to him. Im afraid after reading some of these comments that his remaining sugar glider will not survive being alone... Should he get another sugar glider!? Im just trying to help a friend and don't know too much about them...

scout on April 21, 2020:

bad facts research and try again .PLEASE I researched and you are so wrong if you want to make a website research MAN .Come on bro

Edy from Bandung on January 30, 2020:

wow,,I must read and understand how this is..

LC on January 26, 2020:

I don't understand why this was written. It doesn't make sense because these are just opinions. It doesn't make them bad...

Here'stheactual TRUTH on December 21, 2019:

1)Sugar gliders are very clean animals they groom themselves and do not need baths. They even don't like sticky stuff on their hands so they'll attempt to get it off their hand by "tossing it". (They don't toss it very far so There's no problem there); also if you are worried about there little feces on you, you just don't deserve a pet. It's gonna happen regardless of what pet you get, you're gonna have to clean after them.

2) many people do have appropriate sized cages, people like to have a smaller cage to keep them in the day time and their "flight" cage at night. Also one pouch for 10 gliders is OKAY. They will all go in one pouch regardless if you put ten separate pouches in there.

3)if handled correctly and giving time to bond they will be sweet. It's like you bonding to a human you trust them more the more time you spend with them. People don't give them any time therefore making them "mean". You can put them in your pockets! Unlike flying squirrels that are probably 10x worse (was suggested as another pet). There is leashes made for them that DO NOT actually choke them if you are using on the glider while it's supervised. Most good sugar leashes (unlike dog leashes) don't tightening your restrain the animal from running away.

4) Just because they aren't nocturnal doesn't mean they won't make great pets. most Cats are nocturnal and who complains about that? Absolutely nobody. It just means your little friend will be asleep when you're at work or at school which is perfect!

5) Last time I've checked they do not require "bee pollen". I think you're thinking about nectar that comes from mostly eucalyptus plants. It's an occasional treat. They mostly eat bugs and any fruit or veggie they can find. They aren't always actually looking for nectar.

6)last time I checked they didn't have samonella that is for REPTILES. A sugar glider is not a *reptile*

7)about the sugar gliders life span that's a life span of a dog and that's not really long. Most live up to 7-8 years on average. It depends on their diet.

8) "You can do the research on how much their tanks, food, and toys cost, but as you can imagine, taking care of a sugar glider can be as expensive as caring for a horse." This is the most stupid fact I've heard. First of all most of their stuff is a ONE TIME PURCHASE. Such as their cage, their water bottle and food dishes and their pouches or fabric things( THESE STUFF CAN BE CLEANED). Now totaling the cost of food of my diet I use yogurt... for a container $7 at most (it last 2 weeks or more). Dried mealworms/cricket mix $30 (this last 4 months for many many sugar gliders). Frozen thawed fruit and veggie mix ($15) (last about a week with how many I have but would last 3 weeks with just one pair). High protein kibble (don't give them low protein kibble) $30 (it lasts 2-3 months a bag; if you have just a pair it'd last you a half a year) and sunflower seeds $15 (lasts me almost all year). So in total you only need to pay for $200 a year for their food approximately. That is definitely not as much as a horse. They eat very little and treats aren't really hard to get either. Also even spoiling your sugar gliders normally you wouldn't even reach the $1000 mark with their stuff as I recall horses have so much more they need and it's so much more expensive

9) shelters are filled with sugar gliders that need homes honestly that's the least of your worries most people who pay that much for a pet don't give them up for free and leave them to die in a shelter that's just not the truth. I haven't seen any sugar gliders parents I've known (trust me I've seen Atleast 100 parents) ever ever consider putting their babies in the shelter.

10) THEY ARE NOT BRED FROM CRUELTY I cannot stress this enough. Sugar gliders breed like rabbits and they aren't ever forced to breed.

11) you can get rid of the males scent marking by getting them fixed it is possible to fix males (not female however because of the pouch)

12) "Sugar gliders can and will likely bite you, especially in the early stages of ownership. Their teeth are very sharp and can cause a lot of harm, which means you should be very careful and be fully vaccinated before owning them. Some of these animals are imported and may carry disease. There is always a risk of infection from bites." ANY ANIMAL IS LIKELY TO BITE IF THEY ARE AFRAID. I cannot stress this enough. You're a big human to a tiny thing. PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO VACCINATE YOUR SUGARGLIDERS, the chemicals will kill them if any vet tells you you need to DO NOT GO TO THEM, they clearly don't know. I've been bitten by my sugar gliders many many many times just like a hedgehog balling up you get used to it. Usually when the bite you it's your fault: you either threatened (or they feel threatened) their safety or you smelt like food or you surprised them. If you don't know they could bite you obviously need to gain a brain before you can get a pet.

This article is strictly all false do not believe a single word I shook my head in shake reading this article. I'm a sugar glider mom of 20 and I've had them for 5 years straight never once have I seen such bull facts.

The author is obviously on some high horse hay and has never owned or experienced a sugar gliders. Of course they can bite and poop/pee on you. So can any other animal if they choose. if you obviously trust this article PLEASE DO NOT GET A SUGAR GLIDER. these facts are false as they could get.

darren gelder on November 17, 2019:

load of codswallop

Billy on October 30, 2019:

One of my Sugar Glyders died 10/29/19 she was 7yrs9months old. Her sister is doing good, but alone.

Alex on September 12, 2019:

Lmao I love how you say that it's bad to own sugar gliders because vets don't know how to treat them, they're expensive to own, have specialized care, etc and then recommend pets like flying squirrels, cavies and kinkajous. Because those are SO simple and easy to care for, right?

Pets on July 19, 2019:

I think sugar gliders are cute!!!

Hello on June 22, 2019:

I think their needs to be more REAL facts in here..

LW on May 27, 2019:

Sounds to me like the author needs to do a little more research before putting there opinion for the world to read!! Yes just like all animals they can bite but if you do ur home work like you should with any animal you are getting well the new owner will be just fine. I have a friend who goes all over to rescue them and they play and love on them just like they do with other pets... so please don't put an article out there till you know what your talking about!!

Rae on May 27, 2019:

I live in the US and there is no law against having them. I also only have one and he is happy and healthy. I'm not going to break this article apart by everything wrong with it because I simply don't have the time but this article is BUNK.

l on March 02, 2019:

hi and i loovveee sugar glider

Misha Pelikan on January 26, 2019:

I am sorry, but this article simply misses out on the real FACTS of the sugar glider community.

What you are basically saying here is that, because it is harder to care for them, that you should never do so.

You say that they are hard to care for, but really it's not as hard as some people think. If you feed them, play with them, check up on them daily, clean their cage and bedding, and change the bottom of the cage, they will be fine.

They also do not carry diseases, as you say. It's one of the reasons why I chose them as a pet.

Though some vets do not know how to care for sugar gliders properly, many can. A good option is to call the vet and see what kind of service they offer. Some vets will classify them as rodents and treat them so, which is a BIG problem. Other vets now exactly what they are doing. Just do your research there and you will be fine.

Diet. Due to the growing glider community and demand, there is now an instant diet that, though it is not the same as most pet food, is complete with everything they need. It's called critter love, and it has always worked incredibly well for me. There are also other diet options. Do your research. You CAN feed them properly.

You say that you can't have someone to pet sit them, but there are two options here:

If you have a family member who is an adult and who has lived with you and your sugar gliders---in my case, my mother---and now knows how to care for them, you can leave them to pet sit. I've done that before.

If you're leaving for an extended amount of time, one of the advantages to sugar gliders is that you CAN take them on vacation. Some plane services allow pets, and if you have a travel cage you can use that. I do plan to take them on a road trip with me at some point, it is entirely possible and also not as difficult as it sounds.

Though in some states it is illegal to own one, it is legal in other areas of the country. It is legal where I live. We DO take the law into account.

Lastly, part of owning ANY small pet is that they WILL relieve themselves on you. Most small pet owners both accept this and know how to deal with it---it's not quite as gross as it sounds.

Your conclusion is wrong. Proper care of a sugar glider is possible with proper research, please do yours. My girls are happy, healthy, and well cared for in my house. Don't judge those who own them---maybe visit a few of them! It can't hurt to see just how happy sugars and people are together.

Kathy.. on January 23, 2019:

love the part they will go to the bathroom on you... Hate to say it I will be the first to go...

Alex on December 02, 2018:

Although what you wrote as far as their needs is factual, your conclusion is incorrect. Cats and dogs live 10-15 years and cats are nocturnal too. Some are treated cruelly just like any other animal or child/person. All you said applies to any animal you decide to bond with. The human-animal bond is a real thing. It can happen with any animal. Cats, dogs and children will vomit, poop and pee on you or your stuff at some point. Heck, I remember holding my best friends hair off her face as she splattered puke all over!! My point is that a good owner/parent/friend will do the right thing by their pet/child friend for as long as it takes. A crappy one won't. Focus on educating and promoting healthy relationships, not on judging what is out of your control!!!

GliderCare on November 27, 2018:

this article is so inaccurate. I own 3 beautiful SG's (all female) and I have never had a problem with any of them and i'm 17. My parents are split up and when i visit my other parent I leave them alone for that week and they have no problem with staying at a friends or my other parent feeding them and taking them out to play. Yes there teeth are sharp, but they dont bite very hard.there nails leave a little in-print in your skin but its not painful at all. Waking them up during the day does not throw them at all. in fact i know people who are away during the night and ho,me during the day so they get there gliders used to being awake during the day and sleeping at night so they get the attention they need. they are exotic and do require special care but there not even close to as complex and difficult to take care of as this article makes it sound. All it takes is a love and a passion for taking care of these animals and finding REAL information. Sugar gliders are a lot of fun to have around just do your research.

Anonymous on October 11, 2018:

This is so misleading and untrue I own two of the babies and they are by far nasty I have on the bottom of the cage dog pads and they climb down and use them and go to their normal routine of eating and coming out to play.. these animals deserve to be pets just like everything else.. if you think about it way back when everything was considered wild even the dog laying on your lap or the cat behind your head.. these animals are very intelligent and if give the proper attention and live like any other animal make great loyal loveable pet

Pamela Cadwell on October 10, 2018:

This is completely inaccurate. I have 2 adorable suggies and this info is VERY incorrect.

The Truth Hurts on October 06, 2018:

What if I took YOU and stuck you in a cage with nothing but bags of shrimp flavored Top Ramen, sweet pickles and diet Tab and woke you up at 3 am every night to play? And did that to you your entire life? And you never got to see any more than a handful of other humans (if any) ever again? At least I would be happy and that's all that matters. ME. ME ME ME. Cats, dogs, hamsters, etc. make great pets. These don't. They're wild animals. I know they're "cute" but so am I. If you try to lock me up, I'll bite you and then pee and poop all over your stuff if I get the chance. I can relate. Find some other ways to impress your Facebook friends. Post a funny MEME instead.

Jo on September 23, 2018:

This makes a lot of sense!!! These are exotic pets.. which require special treatment and knowledge, itt not s pet for everyone.. thing of the animal first!

Hey Ya on August 05, 2018:

They used to sell them at the mall. Hearing that they pee everywhere makes them a no for me. I had hamsters that used to piss everywhere and every time I tried to hold them. No thanks

Animalmomvet on August 02, 2018:

Inaccurate. Unreliable. Don't write about what you don't fully understand. Sugar gliders are fine pets. While not for everyone, which all the kinds of pets in general aren't for everyone, doesn't mean that no one should own them. I'll add "misleading" to my list of adjectives to describe this article.

This needs to be retitled to: things to consider before adopting sugar gliders. The current one is bs

Ruhmple on May 19, 2018:

Most of the information in this article is completely wrong. Whoever wrote this hasn't a clue when it comes to caring for a Sugar Glider. They are very intelligent animals. If shown love and affect they are some of the kindest animals to have. If you are interested in raising a Sugar Glider look elswhere for your information.

Hannah on March 04, 2018:

Most of these "problems" just come with owning exotics. You own an exotic knowing there's a special diet, they're never completely tame (the feces and social interaction between other member ), the time and resources they require, and that they have specific diets. Most cats live to be older than these guys, not to mention there are numerous animals that require large spaces (you really shouldn't be keeping a hamster in a 10 or 20 gallon aquarium). You can also neuter your males to prevent breeding and to keep males from fighting. You never mentioned that in your article, let alone took into account that most exotic owners are fairly well versed in their animal's needs especially when they come with a hefty price tag. In general, it seems like exotics isn't something you should be writing on with the lack of understanding and knowledge that seems to have gone into this piece.

hi on January 11, 2018:

it is not about that it is about the health and safety of these critters

NO YA on January 11, 2018:

This is the stupidest website I've seen in my life. If their such bad pets, then why such cute pictures?!?!


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